Мы ВКонтакте
Cui César
13 Musical Pictures, Op.15 (Title page and contents)
13 Musical Pictures, Op.15 (1. Лидуша / Liduscha)
13 Musical Pictures, Op.15 (3. Зайка / Häslein)
13 Musical Pictures, Op.15 (4. Ласточка / Die Schwalbe)
13 Musical Pictures, Op.15 (6. Христос воскрес / Christ Auferstand)
13 Musical Pictures, Op.15 (7. Май / Mai)
13 Musical Pictures, Op.15 (9. Вечерняя заря / Abendlied)
13 Musical Pictures, Op.15 (10. Капля дождевая / Der Regentropfen)
13 Musical Pictures, Op.15 (12. Ледяная гора / Der Eisberg)
13 Musical Pictures, Op.15 (13. Елка / Der Weinachtsbaum)
17 Children's Songs, Op.73 (14. Петух)
18 Poems by A.K. Tolstoy, Op.67 (Title page and contents)
18 Poems by A.K. Tolstoy, Op.67 (2. Горними тихо летала)
18 Poems by A.K. Tolstoy, Op.67 (3. Змея, что по скалам)
18 Poems by A.K. Tolstoy, Op.67 (6. Звонче жаворонка пенье)
18 Poems by A.K. Tolstoy, Op.67 (8. К страданиям чужим)
18 Poems by A.K. Tolstoy, Op.67 (10. Осень! Обсыпается)
18 Poems by A.K. Tolstoy, Op.67 (11. Слушая повесть твою)
18 Poems by A.K. Tolstoy, Op.67 (12. Над неприступной крутизною)
18 Poems by A.K. Tolstoy, Op.67 (14. Ты помнишь ли вечер как море шумело)
18 Poems by A.K. Tolstoy, Op.67 (17. Обичной полная печали)
18 Poems by A.K. Tolstoy, Op.67 (18. Солнце жжет; перед грозою)
2 Bluettes, Op.29 (1. Valse (or Valse-bluette))
2 Bluettes, Op.29 (2. Scherzando giocoso (including title page))
2 Morceaux, Op.36 (Complete Score)
2 Polonaises, Op.30 (No.1 in F major)
2 Polonaises, Op.30 (No.2 in B♭ major)
20 Poèmes de Jean Richepin, Op.44 (Complete score)
20 Poèmes de Jean Richepin, Op.44 (Complete score)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (Title pages and contents)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (2. Поэту)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (3. Давно отвергнутый тобою)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (4. Ты всегда хороша несравненно)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (6. Молебен)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (8. У людей-то в дому)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (10. Катерина)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (12. Герой времени)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (14. Внимая ужасам войны)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (15. Старость)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (16. Сват и жених)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (17. Голодная)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (18. С работы)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (19. Пускай мечтатели)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (20. Зине)
21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (21. На родине)
24 Poems, Op.86 (Title Page)
24 Poems, Op.86 (2. К ней)
24 Poems, Op.86 (4. Es blasen die blauen Husaren)
24 Poems, Op.86 (6. Sie haben mich gequälet)
24 Poems, Op.86 (8. Стрелок и поселянка)
24 Poems, Op.86 (10. Играй, мой паж)
24 Poems, Op.86 (12. Нет, нет, не должен я)
24 Poems, Op.86 (13. Румяной зарею)
24 Poems, Op.86 (14. Когда волнуется)
24 Poems, Op.86 (16. Военная песня)
24 Poems, Op.86 (18. Под шопот ночи)
24 Poems, Op.86 (19. Сегодня выпал снег)
24 Poems, Op.86 (20. В альбом)
24 Poems, Op.86 (22. Памяти И.К. Айвазовского)
24 Poems, Op.86 (23. На смерть Грига)
24 Poems, Op.86 (24. Памяти В.В. Стасова)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (Title page, contents)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (1. Пью за здравие Мери)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (2. Если жизнь тебя обманет)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (3. Епитафия)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (4. Все конечно)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (5. Сафо)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (7. Дружба)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (8. Не розу пафосскую)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (10. Нет, не черкешенка она)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (11. Ты и вы)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (13. Труд)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (14. Глухие)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (15. Быть может уж не долго мне)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (16. Приятелям)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (17. Царскосельская статуя)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (19. Отрок)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (20. Ангел)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (22. Соловей и кукушка)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (23. Туча)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op.57 (25. Желание)
3 Esquisses mélodiques, Op.92 (Complete score)
3 Esquisses mélodiques, Op.92 (Complete score (alternate scan))
3 Impromptus, Op.35 (Complete Score)
3 Lieder, Op.37 (Title page and dedication)
3 Lieder, Op.37 (1. Es fällt ein Stern herunter)
3 Lieder, Op.37 (3. Liebst du um Schönheit)
3 Mazurkas, Op.79 (Complete score)
3 Morceaux, Op.69 (Complete score)
3 Morceaux, Op.8 (Complete score)
3 Morceaux, Op.8 (2. Scherzino)
3 Mouvements de danse, Op.94 (No.2: Krakovienne (color scan))
3 Mouvements de danse, Op.94 (No.2: Krakovienne (monochrome))
3 Psalms, Op.80 (2. Боже, Боже мой, вонми ми (Psalm 21))
3 Romances, Op.3 (Complete score)
4 Morceaux, Op.22 (Complete score)
5 Choruses, Op.46 (1. Задремали волны)
5 Choruses, Op.46 (1. Le rossignol (= 3. Повеяло черемухой))
5 Choruses, Op.46 (2. L'onde est endormie (= 1. Задремали волны))
5 Choruses, Op.46 (3. Le mois de mai (= 4. Вернулся май))
5 Mélodies, Op.54 (Title pages (Russian and French))
5 Mélodies, Op.54 (1. Tristesse de chose)
5 Mélodies, Op.54 (2. Le colibri)
5 Mélodies, Op.54 (3. Les roses d'Ispahan)
5 Mélodies, Op.54 (4. Je n'en ai jamais aimé qu'une)
5 Mélodies, Op.54 (5. Ici bas)
5 Morceaux, Op.52 (Title/contents page)
5 Morceaux, Op.52 (No.1. Prélude)
5 Morceaux, Op.52 (No.3. Intermezzo)
5 Morceaux, Op.52 (No.4. Étude-Fantasie)
5 Morceaux, Op.83 (1. Esquisse)
5 Morceaux, Op.83 (3. Notturno)
5 Morceaux, Op.83 (5. Rêverie d'un faune, après la lecture de son journal)
5 Morceaux, Op.95 (Front cover, title page with contents, front advertising)
5 Morceaux, Op.95 (1. Valse)
5 Morceaux, Op.95 (2. Mazurka)
5 Morceaux, Op.95 (4. Humoresque)
5 Morceaux, Op.95 (5. Polonaise (with end advertising pages))
5 Petits duos, Op.56 (Violin)
5 Petits duos, Op.56 (Flute and violin parts, with title page)
6 Bagatelles, Op.51 (4. À la mazurka)
6 Bagatelles, Op.51 (6. Rondinetto)
6 Bagatelles, Op.51 (4. À la mazurka - violin part)
6 Choruses, Op.53 (1. Встрепенитесь птички-песни!)
6 Choruses, Op.53 (4. Ноктюрн)
6 Choruses, Op.53 (5. Жизнь)
6 Choruses, Op.53 (6. Грозовые тучи)
6 Choruses, Op.63 (1. Неразгаданный сон)
6 Choruses, Op.63 (2. Уснуло все)
6 Choruses, Op.63 (5. Ушла, ушла весна)
6 Mélodies, Op.23 (Color Cover)
6 Mélodies, Op.23 (4. Solitude)
6 Mélodies, Op.23 (6. Enfant, si j'etais rois)
6 Mélodies, Op.23 (3. Старая песня (= Vieille chanson))
6 Poems by A. Mickiewicz, Op.71 (No.3. Pieśń strzelca)
6 Poems by Polonsky, Op.76 (5. Тишь)
6 Romances, Op.10 (1. Вчера меня ласкало счастье)
6 Romances, Op.10 (3. Смеркалось, жаркий день бледнел неуловимо (A♭ major, high voice))
6 Romances, Op.10 (3. Dusk Fallen (= Смеркалось) (original key of F♯ major))
6 Romances, Op.10 (3. Dusk Fallen (= Смеркалось) (transposed to A major))
6 Romances, Op.11 (1. Ни слова, о друг мой)
6 Romances, Op.11 (3. В колокол, мирно дремавший)
6 Romances, Op.11 (4. Когда голубыми глазами)
6 Romances, Op.11 (5. Rozmowa wieczorna)
6 Romances, Op.11 (6. Ты не любишь меня (Original key, Russian and German texts))
6 Romances, Op.11 (1. Ни слова, о друг мой)
6 Romances, Op.11 (5. Меня холодным люди называют)
6 Romances, Op.13 (1. Она поет и звуки тают)
6 Romances, Op.13 (4. Gdy bym się smienił)
6 Romances, Op.13 (6. Chociaż zmuszona)
6 Romances, Op.27 (6. Пушкин о Жуковском)
6 Romances, Op.5 (2. The Love of a Dead Man)
6 Romances, Op.7 (2. О чем в тиши ночей)
6 Romances, Op.7 (3. Эоловы арфи)
6 Romances, Op.7 (2. О чем в тиши ночей таинственно мечтаю)
6 Romances, Op.9 (1. Пусть на землю снег валится)
6 Romances, Op.9 (2. Из моей великой скорби)
6 Romances, Op.9 (4. Юношу, горько рыдая, ревнивая дева бранила)
6 Romances, Op.9 (5. Пушкин о Мицкевиче)
6 Romances, Op.9 (2. Adolescence ( = Из моей великой скорби))
6 Romances, Op.9 (4. Penses-tu? ( = Юношу, горько рыдая))
7 Choruses, Op.28 (2. Засветилась вдали)
7 Mélodies, Op.32 (Title page)
7 Mélodies, Op.32 (1. Hier le vent du soir)
7 Mélodies, Op.32 (2. Mes vers fuiraient)
7 Mélodies, Op.32 (3. La tombe et la rose)
7 Mélodies, Op.32 (4. Adieu)
7 Mélodies, Op.32 (5. Attente)
7 Mélodies, Op.32 (6. Lendemain)
7 Mélodies, Op.32 (7. Le baiser)
7 Poems by Armenian Poets, Op.75 (Title page with contents)
7 Poems by Armenian Poets, Op.75 (1. Армянский кровь)
7 Poems by Armenian Poets, Op.75 (2. Как мощный, бурный вихрь)
7 Poems by Armenian Poets, Op.75 (3. Сон)
7 Poems by Armenian Poets, Op.75 (4. Всю душу я свою)
7 Poems by Armenian Poets, Op.75 (6. Ей)
7 Poems by Armenian Poets, Op.75 (7. Смерть воина)
7 Poems by Pushkin and Lermontov, Op.33 (1. Соловей)
7 Poems by Pushkin and Lermontov, Op.33 (3. Я вас любил)
7 Poems by Pushkin and Lermontov, Op.33 (4. Сожженное письмо (D minor))
7 Poems by Pushkin and Lermontov, Op.33 (4. Сожженное письмо (C minor))
7 Romances and Duets, Op.19 (5. Последные цветы)
7 Romances and Duets, Op.19 (2. L'étoile)
7 Romances, Op.49 (1. Коснулась я цветка)
7 Romances, Op.49 (5. Гимн Вальсингама)
7 Romances, Op.49 (7. Кинжал)
8 Romances, Op.55 (Title pages/preliminaries)
8 Romances, Op.55 (3. Дробится и плещет)
8 Romances, Op.55 (4. Не пенится море)
8 Romances, Op.55 (5. Три ключа)
8 Romances, Op.55 (7. Пленный рыцарь)
À Argenteau, Op.40 (Complete Score)
À Argenteau, Op.40 (No.1. Le cèdre)
À Argenteau, Op.40 (No.5. Sérénade)
À Argenteau, Op.40 (No.7. Mazurka)
À Argenteau, Op.40 (No.9. Le rocher)
À Argenteau, Op.40 (Complete Score)
À Argenteau, Op.40 (Violin Part)
A History of the Literature of Piano Music (Complete text)
Angelo (Complete Score)
Angelo (Act I, Scene 3)
Angelo (Act I, Scene 4)
Angelo (Act I, Scene 5)
Angelo (Act II, Scene 1)
Angelo (Act II, Scene 3)
Angelo (Act II, Scene 4)
Angelo (Act IV, Tableau 1, Scene 3)
Angelo (Act IV, Tableau 1, Scene 4)
Angelo (Act IV, Tableau 1, Scene 5)
Angelo (Act IV, Tableau 1, Scene 6)
Angelo (Complete Orchestral score)
Angelo (Complete Score)
Angelo (Complete Score)
Another 17 Children's Songs, Op.78 (17. Пташечки)
Ave Maria, Op.34 (Complete Score (version for soprano solo))
Barcarolle, Op.81 (Piano Score and Cello part)
Bolero, Op.17 (Complete score (for high voice))
Bolero, Op.17 (Complete score (for high voice))
Bolero, Op.17 (Complete Score)
Bolero, Op.17 (Complete score)
Budrys and His Sons, Op.98 (Complete score)
Budrys and His Sons, Op.98 (Title pages (Russian and Polish))
Chorus Mysticus, Op.6 (Complete score (with title page))
Chorus Mysticus, Op.6 (English/Latin piano-vocal score)
Christ's Resurrection (Complete score)
Echoes of War, Op.66 (3. Мне бой знаком)
Feast in Time of Plague (Title pages and preliminaries)
Feast in Time of Plague (Part 1 (ending with Mary's Song))
Feast in Time of Plague (Part 2 (ending with Walsingham's Hymn))
Feast in Time of Plague (Part 3)
Greetings to the Dear Kerzin Household (Complete score)
Hymn to Futurism (Complete score)
Introduction to the opera "The Stone Guest" (Complete Score)
Ivan the Fool (Complete score, with title pages)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (1. Moment Intime)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (3. Musette)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (4. Simple chanson)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (13. Badinage)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (15. Danse rustique)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (16. Barcarola)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (22. Scherzetto)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (23. Petit caprice)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (24. Allegro scherzoso)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (5. Berceuse)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (17. Прелюдия (= Prélude))
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (5. Berceuse - Violin Part)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (23. Petit caprice - Violin Part)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (Violin)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (Cello)
Kaleidoscope, Op.50 (Piano score)
Last 17 Children's Songs, Op.97 (7. Веселая рать)
Le flibustier (Prelude)
Le flibustier (Act I, Scene 3)
Le flibustier (Act I, Scene 6)
Le flibustier (Act I, Scene 8)
Le flibustier (Entr'acte to Act II)
Le flibustier (Act II, Scene 1)
Le flibustier (Act II, Scene 4)
Le flibustier (Act II, Scene 5)
Le flibustier (Act II, Scene 6)
Le flibustier (Act III, Scene 1)
Le flibustier (Act III, Scene 3)
Le flibustier (Act III, Scene 4)
Le flibustier (Act III, Scene 5)
Le flibustier (Front cover of score (color scan))
Le flibustier (Preliminaries, Prelude, and Act I)
Le flibustier (Act II)
Les adieux de Guyot-Dessaigne (Complete Score)
Little Red Riding-Hood (Act I)
Mademoiselle Fifi (Complete Score (including preliminaries))
Mademoiselle Fifi (Title pages and preliminaries)
Mademoiselle Fifi (Part 1 of 4)
Mademoiselle Fifi (Part 2 of 4)
Mademoiselle Fifi (Part 3 of 4)
Mademoiselle Fifi (Part 4 of 4)
Many Years to You (Complete score)
Mateo Falcone (Title page and preliminaries)
Mateo Falcone (Part 1 of 3)
Mateo Falcone (Part 2 of 3)
Mateo Falcone (Part 3 of 3)
Miniatures, Op.20 (Complete score)
Miniatures, Op.20 (Complete score)
Miniatures, Op.20 (Complete score)
Miniatures, Op.20 (Cello part)
Miniatures, Op.39 (Complete Score)
Miniatures, Op.39 (No.3)
Miniatures, Op.39 (Marche-étude)
Miniatures, Op.39 (Romanzetta)
Mlada (Part 1 of 4)
Mlada (Part 2 of 4)
Mlada (Part 3 of 4)
Mlada (Part 4 of 4)
Petit prélude No.2 (Prelude No. 2)
Petite suite, Op.14 (Complete Score & Part)
Petite suite, Op.14 (Complete Score)
Prisoner of the Caucasus (Complete Score)
Prisoner of the Caucasus (Color cover)
Prisoner of the Caucasus (No.18a. Women's Dance)
Prisoner of the Caucasus (No.18b. Men's Dance (Lezginka))
Prisoner of the Caucasus (Overture, arr. for piano 4-hands)
Prisoner of the Caucasus (Act I, No.2: Duet of Fatima and Her Father)
Prisoner of the Caucasus (Act I, No.7: Duet of Fatima and the Prisoner)
Prisoner of the Caucasus (Act I, No.8: Finale I (aria of Kazenbek with chorus))
Prisoner of the Caucasus (Act II, No 13: Aria of Abubeker)
Prisoner of the Caucasus (Act II, No 15: Chorus (with gifts))
Prisoner of the Caucasus (Act III, No.18a: [Women's Dance], arr. piano 4-hands)
Prisoner of the Caucasus (Preliminaries and Overture)
Prisoner of the Caucasus (Title page and preliminaries (alternate scan, single pages))
Prisoner of the Caucasus (Title page)
Prisoner of the Caucasus (No.18b. [Men's] Dance)
Puss-in-Boots (Tableau 1)
Puss-in-Boots (Tableau 4)
Scherzo No.1, Op.1 (Complete score)
Sorochinsky Fair (Preliminaries, Introduction, and Act I)
Sorochinsky Fair (Act II)
Sorochinsky Fair (Act III)
Sorochinsky Fair (Gopak (later version))
The Captain's Daughter (Cover, title page, characters, contents)
The Captain's Daughter (Act III (Tableau 5))
The Captain's Daughter (Act IV (Tableaux 6–8))
The Mandarin's Son (Title page and preliminaries)
The Mandarin's Son (1. Duet (soprano and tenor))
The Mandarin's Son (5. March)
The Mandarin's Son (6. Duet (baritone and bass))
The Mandarin's Son (8. Duet and Trio (soprano, tenor and bass))
The Ring of the Nibelungs (Complete text)
The Saracen (Preliminaries and Introduction)
The Saracen (Act I)
The Saracen (Act III)
The Saracen (Title page and preliminaries (alternate scan))
The Stone Guest (Act I, Tableau 2)
The Stone Guest (Act II)
The Stone Guest (Act III)
The Stone Guest (Act I, Tableau 1)
The Stone Guest (Act I, Tableau 2)
The Stone Guest (Act II)
The Stone Guest (Act III)
The Stone Guest (Supplement)